都柏林艺术书展将于12月2日-4日在都柏林TBG+S展览馆举办。为了促进艺术书摄影书及独立出版在都柏林的发展, TBG+S举办此次活动希望能给都柏林的读者展示近几年来本地区的出版盛况。展览邀请了来自爱尔兰和世界其他地区20多个出版社参与其中。
TBG+S also invites artists to submit their books and publications to be distributed at the fair. Artists who make books, artists who have self published books and catalogues will be given the space at the fair to distribute their work. This is a unique opportunity to purchase rare publications by Irish artists which may not be available anywhere else.
Friday 2nd December:
Hourly readings by artists from 12- 5pm
Saturday 3rd December
12.00: Ciaran Walsh: The Reading Room
1.30pm: Matt Packer: Wake Amusements
3.00pm: The Stinging Fly: Literature and magazine publishing.
4.30pm: Creative Ireland: The Visual Arts
Sunday 4th December
1.30pm: Discussion on Book Design with David Joyce
3.00pm: Methods of Distribution
4.30pm: Fiona Fullam; Imaging the Word: A talk on art-writing,