Café Royal是由位于英国北方城市利兹leeds的漫画家Craig Atkinson于2005年设立的一家小型独立出版社,出版限量版的个人志及摄影画册。印数一般仅为25-100的范围内,极具珍藏价值。自然白可回收的80克环保纸,灵活多样的装订方式。关注独立出版的朋友们可以多参考一下这家出版社的运作方式。
Craig Atkinson本人及其作品在2010年1月份的《新视线》杂志别册上有一个特别报道:《插画新潮》。
Café Royal was founded in 2005 by Craig Atkinson, with the aim of publishing high quality, limited run books and zines. Our print runs vary from 25 – 100 copies. There are usually 5 signed copies of each title available as a special edition. We use a variety of papers, usually recycled non chlorinated, natural white 80gsm. We use various print and binding techniques, determined by each particular publication.