香蕉鱼第出版的二本摄影书Blink,来自日本摄影师Wakaba Noda (野田若叶)作品。Wakaba, 1984年日本福冈生人,毕业于瑞典哥德堡大学摄影专业,现居住于神奈川。Blink 《眨眼》,本书用两两成对的一组照片记录时间和空间的细小变化。“眨眼是一个通常不受控的行为。我想把我在眨眼的瞬间所错过的东西拍摄下来。” ——野田若叶。此系列曾获第15届佳能写真新世纪大赛佳作提名。
The idea of the book is taken from Noda’s “Blink”, a series of diptychs. This series was given an honorable mention by famed critic Kotaro Iizawa at the 2006 Canon “New Cosmos of Photography” competition.
About this work, Noda says that she “tried to make the physical body reaction (blink) into a photographic image. To blink is something that we can not really control. (Of course we can blink intentionally.) I wondered and visualized what I am missing in the little moment when I blink. So that is why I used two pictures to show a little difference and moment between there.”
Wakaba Noda, born 1984 in Fukuoka, Japan, studied photography at Gothenburg University in Sweden, currently lives in Kanagawa.